One of my favorite bible verses is Psalm 37:4 which says how we should "delight ourselves in the Lord and He will gives us our hearts desires". You can find a ton of verses about how God truly wants to reveal our deepest desires to us. We might have this strong feeling of something we need to do or become or pursue and God wants us to pray about those things, hard. Well lately all of that has been on my mind.
I need to be in constant communication with God about what He wants to do with me. What is His will for my life and for those desires that are planted in my heart? Without prayer, I won't know. His word even says in Philippians 4:6 that " prayer and supplication [we] must present [our] requests to God". So, this blog post is dedicated to my top two desires; my deepest and most true desires that I know God has placed in my heart.
My number one desire is to be a stay at home mom. I know this might sound silly, but God has a huge purpose for this. I have absolutely no clue what, but by praying and in good time, He will reveal all of this to me. I am very confident in that.
My second desire is for orphans. I adore children. I feel as if God is calling me into that field (which is why I am in the process of becoming a teacher). When I say orphans, I don't just mean the ones located overseas. There are plenty of orphans that need just as much love here in the U.S. All I know is my heart breaks and aches for those precious souls.
This past Sunday in church we started a new sermon series called "Revolution" A Radical Change in Society. God revealed a lot of things to me that morning about making a revolution into a reality. He showed me that in order to know what it is He wants me to do, I must always initiate every day with faith. I need to daily ask God what it is He wants me to do in order to further His Kingdom. I must meditate on God's word. He has plans for the good for every single one of us (Jeremiah 29:11). I must stand firm on His promises! I need to eliminate negative speech because "the tongue is a flame of fire" (James 3:6) and does no good for us. I need to participate. I need to get out there and see what God is laying before me. Sometimes people just sit and wait instead of going out and doing. I also need to concentrate on God's amazing grace and power. No matter what, I need to always trust that Christ will meet my needs.
Easier said than done, but totally possible. Why? Because WITH Christ, ALL things are possible. What are the desires Christ has planted into your heart? Water those seeds with knowing how much Christ loves and adores you and watch it all blossom into a beautiful future!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Healthy Living
Some may not know this but about a year and a half ago, I use to be a good 30-40 pounds heavier than what I am now. I was always athletic growing up; constantly playing sports and being active. I never worried about what I ate and honestly didn't care because I knew I was always in shape. After I graduated high school, I started to really struggle with my weight. I continued to eat the exact same, but was not as active. I might have ran here and there, lifted weights a little, or played games. But none of it was a consistent work out that my body needed.
Needless to say I gained the freshman 15 and then some. I ate greasy burgers and fries, loaded up on carbs with pastas and breads, and of course I always had to have some sort of sweet at the end of the day. Almost two years ago I realized how unhealthy I was becoming. I needed a drastic change in my life and in my body. To make a long story short, I went on a diet called HCG (some do not agree with this diet, but you do the research) and lost 30 pounds. I was so determined and motivated and was so proud of the results. However, I lost not only fat, but muscle. Now I knew if I wanted to keep this weight off and continue to maintain what I weigh, then I had to eat very healthy and have a regular work out. This is where running became a very big part of my life.
I use to absolutely hate running. I remember in school dreading getting out and running a mile. Now 5 years later, I am out running anywhere from 3-6 miles a day and have continued to lose more weight and gain muscle. I have found a new love and a new way to keep me healthy and in shape. I also became big into healthy foods. Organic anything is my absolute favorite, but living in Texarkana only offers so much. So I try and pick the healthiest things out of the grocery story to buy. Now before I go into detail with some things, let me make this clear. I had to come to the realization that I am not defined by my looks, my body, my weight, how healthy I eat, or how far I run. I am happy with what God has given me. I just realized that at my age (22), I should be a lot healthier than what I was and God has allowed me to become just that. All praise, glory, and honor of what I have accomplished in becoming physically healthy and spiritually healthy goes to Christ.
A few of my friends have come to me for little advice here and there on diets, foods, workouts, and what not. So I figured, why not blog about it? I could show them pictures, give them motivations, and hear others stories as well! So here we are. My plan is to eventually maybe transform this blog into something of a health discussion not only physically but spiritually as well. (Still praying about this though.) But for now, I will post things here and there showing what I eat on a daily basis and little work outs I do. I would love to hear ANY comments about what you all think or any ideas you might have as far as foods and work outs go! Oh, and please keep in mind I am NO professional. This is only based on my knowledge of things and how I have become a healthier person.
My main goal through out the week is to be very motivated on eating healthy and keeping a daily work out routine. The reason for this is because I like to treat myself every now and then on the weekends! (Remember, cheating is not bad. Just do so in moderation! That is the key!) Here are some things I have eaten this past week:
Snacks: Dried fruits and nuts. I love to snack. I get hungry all day every day, no matter what. So why not snack on something good for you? Be careful with this though. Some dried fruits are high in sugar and some nuts you should only eat about one handful. However, this beats grabbing a bag of Doritos or a handful of M&Ms to snack on! Remember, the little things count!
Sweet Tooth: I absolutely love fruit. When I start craving something sweet, this is what I usually try and eat. I make either a fruit bowl or get Activia Light Yogurt and put in some blueberries. It helps settle my sweet tooth for the day! I do sprinkle Truvia (natural sweetener) on top of my bowl of fruit to give it a little bit more of a sweet taste. It works great!
Meals: This is just an example of something I eat in the morning and something I eat for lunch. In the morning I sometimes get some Kashi cereal, Organic Fat Free milk, and a banana. I get a small bowl and make me the best cereal ever. I also sprinkle a little of Truvia in my bowl to make it a little bit sweeter tasting. It works magic! For lunch, I might get a slice of Pumpkernickel bread (a lot like Whole Wheat) and spread some Hummus on it with some Spinach leaves. I love this because it helps give me a daily balance of the nutrition my body needs.
Other Things: I didn't know much about Clif bars until my boyfriend pointed them out to me. It is more of a protein bar but comes in many different flavors! All natural and organic and very tasty to have after a workout! I also posted this picture to the right of some very fattening, thick icing, sugar cookies. Let me just say, those are a huge weakness of mine. But it's things like this that I treat myself to on the weekends. I am by no means perfect and cheat, but I believe it's completely fine to give in every now and then! Just remember, moderation is key!
Needless to say I gained the freshman 15 and then some. I ate greasy burgers and fries, loaded up on carbs with pastas and breads, and of course I always had to have some sort of sweet at the end of the day. Almost two years ago I realized how unhealthy I was becoming. I needed a drastic change in my life and in my body. To make a long story short, I went on a diet called HCG (some do not agree with this diet, but you do the research) and lost 30 pounds. I was so determined and motivated and was so proud of the results. However, I lost not only fat, but muscle. Now I knew if I wanted to keep this weight off and continue to maintain what I weigh, then I had to eat very healthy and have a regular work out. This is where running became a very big part of my life.
I use to absolutely hate running. I remember in school dreading getting out and running a mile. Now 5 years later, I am out running anywhere from 3-6 miles a day and have continued to lose more weight and gain muscle. I have found a new love and a new way to keep me healthy and in shape. I also became big into healthy foods. Organic anything is my absolute favorite, but living in Texarkana only offers so much. So I try and pick the healthiest things out of the grocery story to buy. Now before I go into detail with some things, let me make this clear. I had to come to the realization that I am not defined by my looks, my body, my weight, how healthy I eat, or how far I run. I am happy with what God has given me. I just realized that at my age (22), I should be a lot healthier than what I was and God has allowed me to become just that. All praise, glory, and honor of what I have accomplished in becoming physically healthy and spiritually healthy goes to Christ.
A few of my friends have come to me for little advice here and there on diets, foods, workouts, and what not. So I figured, why not blog about it? I could show them pictures, give them motivations, and hear others stories as well! So here we are. My plan is to eventually maybe transform this blog into something of a health discussion not only physically but spiritually as well. (Still praying about this though.) But for now, I will post things here and there showing what I eat on a daily basis and little work outs I do. I would love to hear ANY comments about what you all think or any ideas you might have as far as foods and work outs go! Oh, and please keep in mind I am NO professional. This is only based on my knowledge of things and how I have become a healthier person.
My main goal through out the week is to be very motivated on eating healthy and keeping a daily work out routine. The reason for this is because I like to treat myself every now and then on the weekends! (Remember, cheating is not bad. Just do so in moderation! That is the key!) Here are some things I have eaten this past week:
Snacks: Dried fruits and nuts. I love to snack. I get hungry all day every day, no matter what. So why not snack on something good for you? Be careful with this though. Some dried fruits are high in sugar and some nuts you should only eat about one handful. However, this beats grabbing a bag of Doritos or a handful of M&Ms to snack on! Remember, the little things count!
Sweet Tooth: I absolutely love fruit. When I start craving something sweet, this is what I usually try and eat. I make either a fruit bowl or get Activia Light Yogurt and put in some blueberries. It helps settle my sweet tooth for the day! I do sprinkle Truvia (natural sweetener) on top of my bowl of fruit to give it a little bit more of a sweet taste. It works great!
Meals: This is just an example of something I eat in the morning and something I eat for lunch. In the morning I sometimes get some Kashi cereal, Organic Fat Free milk, and a banana. I get a small bowl and make me the best cereal ever. I also sprinkle a little of Truvia in my bowl to make it a little bit sweeter tasting. It works magic! For lunch, I might get a slice of Pumpkernickel bread (a lot like Whole Wheat) and spread some Hummus on it with some Spinach leaves. I love this because it helps give me a daily balance of the nutrition my body needs.
Other Things: I didn't know much about Clif bars until my boyfriend pointed them out to me. It is more of a protein bar but comes in many different flavors! All natural and organic and very tasty to have after a workout! I also posted this picture to the right of some very fattening, thick icing, sugar cookies. Let me just say, those are a huge weakness of mine. But it's things like this that I treat myself to on the weekends. I am by no means perfect and cheat, but I believe it's completely fine to give in every now and then! Just remember, moderation is key!
I will post more things maybe once a week, but wanted to give this first one a try! To expand your knowledge on being Healthy, go get some books or read some magazines such as Women's Health Magazine. Anyone can do this! There is a ton of information out there, you just have to get motivated and stay determined! God is good and can help you through anything in life, even eating healthy!
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
21 Day Prayer Challenge
I invite all of you to join me in this! It's free, just submit your email address and you'll get emails daily about what to pray about. I feel so strongly led to be apart of this. The older I get the more I realize how important prayer really is in our lives. This link below gives a summary of why the 21 Day Prayer Challenge....
How moving? How touching? As Christians this should be no breeze. We need to constantly be in tune with Christ. Our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our souls belong to our Father. Think of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us. Yet some of us (including me at times) can't sacrifice an hour out of our day to pray? Heart breaking. My prayer for you is that your Spirit is moved by this challenge and, as you feel led, take all of this to heart and give it all to Christ. Below is a quote and a link to day one. Remember, just as David said in Psalm 5:3, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
"One of the reasons why many people don’t feel intimacy with God is because they don’t have a daily rhythm with God. They have a weekly rhythm. If all you have with God is a weekly touchpoint called church, you’ll lose touch with God. Would that work with your spouse or your kids? It doesn’t work in God’s family either. We need to establish a daily rhythm in order to have a daily relationship with God. The best way to do that is to begin the day in prayer."
How moving? How touching? As Christians this should be no breeze. We need to constantly be in tune with Christ. Our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our souls belong to our Father. Think of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us. Yet some of us (including me at times) can't sacrifice an hour out of our day to pray? Heart breaking. My prayer for you is that your Spirit is moved by this challenge and, as you feel led, take all of this to heart and give it all to Christ. Below is a quote and a link to day one. Remember, just as David said in Psalm 5:3, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
"One of the reasons why many people don’t feel intimacy with God is because they don’t have a daily rhythm with God. They have a weekly rhythm. If all you have with God is a weekly touchpoint called church, you’ll lose touch with God. Would that work with your spouse or your kids? It doesn’t work in God’s family either. We need to establish a daily rhythm in order to have a daily relationship with God. The best way to do that is to begin the day in prayer."
Sunday, January 8, 2012
New year, same me.
So it's been quite a while since I have posted anything on here! It's finally 2012 and back to the ol' work and grind.
It's a new year, which for most means new beginnings. Some people have resolutions they want to make, some have goals they want to reach, and some are just starting all over again, brand spankin' new.
As for me, I am still the same. I still have the same goals set in mind. Not many new ones just yet. Of course, I would love to accomplish some things on my bucket list this year! (Lord willing)
For starters, God has placed a passion for children on my heart. Which is why I am becoming certified in education so I can teach precious little babies every day of my life. I feel as if God has also placed a little bit of a deeper calling for children overseas. I spent a week last summer in Haiti and fell in love with the orphans there. Going to Africa one summer to spend time with orphans is a huge goal for me. I hope to scratch that off my bucket list soon!
I ran my first 5k last semester at the Susan G. Koleman 'Race for the Cure'. It was absolutely a thrill! Thanks to my loving, supportive boyfriend, he endured the pain of 3 miles with me. This has sparked a bit more of a passion for running in my heart! I plan on doing a 10k in March, let's see how this works out! With lots of training and praying for strength, I'm sure it'll be a breeze. One less thing to mark off!
Lastly, for now, I want to sky dive. Good golly, what an experience that would be! It's one of those things where I really want to do it, but when offered the opportunity, I feel like I would totally chicken out. It's going to happen though. I just know it. As crazy as it sounds, I want to jump out of an airplane (strapped to a professional of course) and fly through the air thousands of feet above the ground! Talk about an adrenaline rush!
But, as of right now in 2012, the bucket list of goals and dreams stays unmarked. I'm sure God will allow me to accomplish a few more things, if not add more to my list! I can't wait to see where I am led this year and what blessings and tribulations will come my way.
"Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD." Psalm 25:4-7
It's a new year, which for most means new beginnings. Some people have resolutions they want to make, some have goals they want to reach, and some are just starting all over again, brand spankin' new.
As for me, I am still the same. I still have the same goals set in mind. Not many new ones just yet. Of course, I would love to accomplish some things on my bucket list this year! (Lord willing)
For starters, God has placed a passion for children on my heart. Which is why I am becoming certified in education so I can teach precious little babies every day of my life. I feel as if God has also placed a little bit of a deeper calling for children overseas. I spent a week last summer in Haiti and fell in love with the orphans there. Going to Africa one summer to spend time with orphans is a huge goal for me. I hope to scratch that off my bucket list soon!
I ran my first 5k last semester at the Susan G. Koleman 'Race for the Cure'. It was absolutely a thrill! Thanks to my loving, supportive boyfriend, he endured the pain of 3 miles with me. This has sparked a bit more of a passion for running in my heart! I plan on doing a 10k in March, let's see how this works out! With lots of training and praying for strength, I'm sure it'll be a breeze. One less thing to mark off!
Lastly, for now, I want to sky dive. Good golly, what an experience that would be! It's one of those things where I really want to do it, but when offered the opportunity, I feel like I would totally chicken out. It's going to happen though. I just know it. As crazy as it sounds, I want to jump out of an airplane (strapped to a professional of course) and fly through the air thousands of feet above the ground! Talk about an adrenaline rush!
But, as of right now in 2012, the bucket list of goals and dreams stays unmarked. I'm sure God will allow me to accomplish a few more things, if not add more to my list! I can't wait to see where I am led this year and what blessings and tribulations will come my way.
(Me and my love in our last picture of 2011!)
"Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD." Psalm 25:4-7
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