Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My soul cries out for You

"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:26-27

Where to start? Since I can remember I have always had a passion to be with kids. I was never sure exactly how- maybe I wanted to be a housewife and have 5 kids, maybe I wanted to be a teacher, or work in the hospital with sick kids. It wasn't until this past year that I knew exactly why God had laid this feeling and desires in my heart. I have a calling to go help children overseas. I know this for a fact. God has spoken to me over and over and shown me what He wants me to do. But now it's all up to me to complete God's works He has for me. Easier said than done....

God tells us over and over to drop what we have that's so meaningless and to care for others and love them the way He loves us. Whether that has to do with giving away more money, spending more time with the homeless and poor, or spreading the gospel in places that forbid it all. It's all about obedience. Why can't God be enough for some of us? Why do we feel more comfortable in our American bubble with all our money and homes and warm beds than go out and love on these poor innocent people who have not even half of the things we are blessed with here in America. God has given us the life we have, we should be so thankful, but we should also be willing to give it ALL right back. We don't deserve ANY of this. But because God is so faithful, so loving, so caring, so amazing, so perfect in every way possible that we are able to receive His undeserving grace and mercy.

We weren't placed on this earth to enjoy all the worldly materials possible or have the most romantic relationships between one another you could ever imagine......those are just bonuses God will bless us with IF we follow His word and IF we live according to His will. No that doesn't mean showing up the church every Sunday morning or Wednesday night that the doors are opened- it means developing a TRUE, DEEP, and MEANINGFUL relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

So in saying all of this, it is through my relationship with Christ that He has opened my eyes to letting me see exactly what it is He wants me to do with the gifts He has blessed me with (for now at least!) Isn't that something else amazing? God could completely change our path that He is leading us on to something totally drastic and different. And maybe those transitions are hard and we don't understand, but He is building our character and teaching us things through those moments that we would have never realized otherwise.

For now, all I'm asking for are deep, sincere prayers. Pray that God continues to break my heart for what breaks His, pray for God's touch, pray that I allow God to take complete and total control over my future and these situations coming up, and most importantly- pray for others. God has promised us that He will take care of us and I have complete faith in that. God is constantly creating us into something new. He never fails.....He is always right....

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Luke 21:33

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying right along with you! I don't have clarity on Uganda, but something I DO have clarity on is witnessing where I am at now! A friend told me how missionaries have told him they get to another country with all these barriers: language, culture, ect. and then realize... at home, I understood all these things and did nothing with it! So that's where I am at with it, but I'm still praying about Uganda. I love you and love seeing Christ work in your life - Christ in you is so beautiful!!!
