Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Haitian Happiness (Day 7, 8, & 9)

Day 7-8, Thursday-Friday, May 19-20, 2011
Today was no fun at all. I woke up at 2 AM Thursday morning and started throwing up. I threw up about five times all through out the day. I have never felt so weak before and with a huge headache on top of that. Lori took care of me all day long while the team went and gave clean water to families. I was really upset about this because I wasn't able to help out on such a huge experience that I am sure changed lives. I tried getting up and meeting the team around 3 PM but as soon as I got there I got sick again and had to come right back home. The smells and Haiti and the bumpy roads did not help one bit. I have a lot more respect for missionaries. Being sick, not at home, and out of my comfort zone seemed to make everything worse. I was starting to get kind of homesick at this point. I have got to pray hard about this issue though and ask for strength from God. He would not allow me to get sick at this point for no reason- whether its for me to know how to handle this next time I go on a trip or to just see things from a different point of view- whatever that may be. Lori was my mom this day- she did absolutely everything for me in order to feel better. I don't know what I would have done without her!
(To see the video of everyone distributing clean water- check out Journey 117 on facebook and look at the videos!)
Everyone went to church Friday morning around 6 AM except for me and Lauren (because she stayed this time to take care of me). I have met some amazing people on this trip. God is so good to me- He receives ALL the glory in the world, yet we rarely express that. I started feeling a lot better so when everyone got back from church we all went and distributed water filters to families in the community that are not able to get clean water. Without clean water, people are prone to more diseases, bacteria, and cholera. It is amazing the little things we take for granted such as water filters.
This middle of the week is starting to get harder on me. I am starting to miss everyone back home and wondering what they are all doing. I had heard this stupid assumption that the world was suppose to end tonight- the funny thing is I actually somewhat thought this man that predicted it must know something we don't! Retarded...I know...
Next time I go on a mission trip I will remember to bring a loofah, more tank tops because its SO hot, and my face wash/face medicine (pimples are your enemy because you are always sweating!). This heat/dryness is no joke either. I'm starting to fall apart and my hands are so raw and peeling from washing clothes. I pray that God calms and eases my nerves. It blows my mind how much faith people here in Haiti have- so inspiring.

30 water filters we all had to build

Lauren and me building our filter

Day 9, Saturday, May 21, 2011
Our last day before we left was a blast. After we delivered some more water filters that morning to some amazing people in Haiti, we went to the beach. It wasn't exactly your normal Florida beach, but hey, at least it was a beach! I am so blessed to have known every person on this team. We have all shared so many good memories and have become so close in just 10 days. Its amazing how the Holy Spirit moves and connects people together. We went to Tom's (Healing Haiti guy) guest house and had dinner- and guess what?! It was NOT rice and beans! It was pizza, spaghetti, coke, and chocolate. Talk about overload. We all ate like we have never ate before. It was the best meal I had ever had but definitely regretted eating it later on. After we ate we had a night of worship where we just sand and loved on everyone. It was such a great way to end the night.
Right now I am flying back to Miami and I am still wondering how I am going to feel when I get back home. My heart has been so touched and broken over the last week and my eyes have been open to so much stuff that I have been so blind to. Poverty is huge in the world but you will never know what it truly looks like until you experience it first hand- I believe that with all my heart.
One thing that broke me the most was yesterday when we were delivering water filters to the families in Haiti and there was this one family of ten that was bad off. They had nine kids and one lady who was very ill. She took in her nephew and niece after their parents died in the earthquake. The lady is too sick to work and she can't afford for the kids to go to school either. She was late on last years rent and this years was coming up and she didn't have the money to pay it. We asked her how much total it would all cost her and she said $150- WOW, $150?! Some people spend that much on clothes and purses. How can we go back and be the same knowing there is hurting people out there like this? We prayed over the family and many others and almost every one of them asked that we prayed that their faith would be strengthened. These people have NOTHING but faith to depend on- sometimes we all need to be put in those situations.
I am so thankful to God for this HUGE opportunity He has given me to experience this trip. I can only imagine how many more He has planned for me, but for now, I am just going to take it one day at a time and see how God can continue to use me back home.

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