Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Desires of my Heart

One of my favorite bible verses is Psalm 37:4 which says how we should "delight ourselves in the Lord and He will gives us our hearts desires". You can find a ton of verses about how God truly wants to reveal our deepest desires to us. We might have this strong feeling of something we need to do or become or pursue and God wants us to pray about those things, hard. Well lately all of that has been on my mind.

I need to be in constant communication with God about what He wants to do with me. What is His will for my life and for those desires that are planted in my heart? Without prayer, I won't know. His word even says in Philippians 4:6 that "...by prayer and supplication [we] must present [our] requests to God". So, this blog post is dedicated to my top two desires; my deepest and most true desires that I know God has placed in my heart.

My number one desire is to be a stay at home mom. I know this might sound silly, but God has a huge purpose for this. I have absolutely no clue what, but by praying and in good time, He will reveal all of this to me. I am very confident in that.

My second desire is for orphans. I adore children. I feel as if God is calling me into that field (which is why I am in the process of becoming a teacher). When I say orphans, I don't just mean the ones located overseas. There are plenty of orphans that need just as much love here in the U.S. All I know is my heart breaks and aches for those precious souls.

This past Sunday in church we started a new sermon series called "Revolution" A Radical Change in Society. God revealed a lot of things to me that morning about making a revolution into a reality. He showed me that in order to know what it is He wants me to do, I must always initiate every day with faith. I need to daily ask God what it is He wants me to do in order to further His Kingdom. I must meditate on God's word. He has plans for the good for every single one of us (Jeremiah 29:11). I must stand firm on His promises! I need to eliminate negative speech because "the tongue is a flame of fire" (James 3:6) and does no good for us. I need to participate. I need to get out there and see what God is laying before me. Sometimes people just sit and wait instead of going out and doing. I also need to concentrate on God's amazing grace and power. No matter what, I need to always trust that Christ will meet my needs.

Easier said than done, but totally possible. Why? Because WITH Christ, ALL things are possible. What are the desires Christ has planted into your heart? Water those seeds with knowing how much Christ loves and adores you and watch it all blossom into a beautiful future!

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